Occupiers enter Ukrainian checkpoints in Luhansk region looking for weak points - Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 21:33


Serhii Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, said that Russian mercenaries from the Liga private military company are going to Ukrainian checkpoints and trying to find weak points in the Luhansk region’s defence. The occupiers speak Ukrainian and wear Ukrainian defenders’ uniform. 

Source: Haidai on Facebook

Quote: "The Ruscists have stepped up the work of their subversion and reconnaissance groups quantitatively and qualitatively: mercenaries from Liga PMC, who speak Ukrainian and are dressed in our military uniforms, are coming to our checkpoints.

The situation is more or less stable. The orcs [Russian soldiers] do not dare to go on the offensive.

Their exhaustion following the destruction of the ammunition depots is tangible, but nevertheless, the bombardment continues, and the enemy’s subversion and reconnaissance groups are trying to find weak points in the Luhansk region’s defence - fortunately without success."