You can support Ukrainska Pravda on Patreon

Monday, 17 October 2022, 14:47

Nearly three months ago the editorial office of Ukrainska Pravda launched its Patreon.

Thanks to the readers’ donations we managed, among other things, to shoot exclusive material about the liberated territories and tell moving stories from the frontline that are able to touch your heart. Our reporters also discovered how the war changed the country, and worked on important investigations.

Today is the perfect time to support the Ukrainska Pravda editorial office as our media outlet is not only about the reporters’ fight on the informational front but also about the readers’ long-established trust towards the editorial office.

One can judge the effectiveness of our work by the number of people who choose our website among others for reading the news. During the first few days of war Ukrainska Pravda became the second most visited website after Google.

Every week on the Patreon platform we publish unique materials and photos from the frontline. Apart from this, our regular readers can receive exclusive photos-postcards from the front and a letter of gratitude from Sevhil Musaeva, the editor-in-chief of Ukrainska Pravda.

The editorial office of Ukrainska Pravda always takes into consideration the interests of our readers upon creating the content. The readers’ support is very important for us as it always inspires us to create more unique content.

Support UP on Patreon:

You can also join UP Club to be able to use additional benefits:

Or make a quick donate which is another convenient way to help the editorial office: