Russians want to ban hryvnia circulation in Melitopol from 1 January

Thursday, 15 December 2022, 16:23

Russians want to prohibit the use of hryvnias [the Ukrainian national currency] in temporarily occupied Melitopol in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, starting from 1 January 2023. 

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol, on Telegram

Fedorov said that the Russian occupiers start another wave of terrorising civilians after every successful operation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the resistance forces. They have intensified filtration measures in the city, checking mobile phones and cars and incarcerating the locals in basements [recent evidence indicates that basements are used by the occupiers as torture chambers - ed.]. 

"The invaders will step up economic terror as well from 1 January - they are going to ban circulation of the hryvnia, and it will be a ‘federal crime’ to use it," Fedorov posted.

The Mayor of the temporarily occupied city added that the locals, who are barely surviving because of the occupation, are forced to exchange hryvnias for roubles at a very unfavourable rate. 

Collaborators and their Moscow handlers are profiting from the exchange difference.

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