Occupiers reveal identity of collaborationist whose car exploded in Melitopol

Thursday, 23 March 2023, 11:00

On the early morning of 23 March, a car of an accomplice of the Russian occupiers, the so-called "Deputy Head of the District Local Police Department", was blown up; the collaborationist is in the hospital, and his condition is stable. 

Source: Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Rogov, a collaborator amd the so-called "Member of the Main Council of Administration of Zaporizhzhia Oblast", on Telegram

Details: The Investigative Committee reported that an improvised explosive device had been planted on the "police officer’s" way to work and when the "policeman" was passing by, the explosives were set off.

An explosion occurred on Krupska Street on 23 March. The accomplice of the occupiers was injured and hospitalised.

Collaborationist Rogov reported that the condition of the "policeman" was stable; he was taken to the hospital with a mine-explosive leg injury.


  • An explosion rang out in Russian-occupied Melitopol on the morning of 23 March; Vladimir Rogov, the so-called "member of the main council of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Administration", said that a "policeman" was injured in the explosion.

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