From Kyiv to Zmiinyi Island: Zelenskyy thanks Special Forces of Security Service of Ukraine for fantastic operations

Friday, 23 June 2023, 11:02

State military and political leaders have congratulated the soldiers of the Alpha Special Group of the Security Service of Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the fighters for their unique special operations, which are currently classified.

Source: Zelenskyy on social media; Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyy on Facebook; Vasyl Maliuk, Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, cited by the Service’s press service.

Quote from Zelenskyy: "Today, our country celebrates the day of very important and highly effective service – the day of the Alpha Special Group of the Security Service of Ukraine. And we thank them!

Of course, most of what our special forces of the Security Service of Ukraine do in the war for the sake of Ukraine is still classified. But these are fantastic operations, and I want everyone in Ukraine to know and be proud of it.

These are thousands of special combat missions from Kyiv to Zmiinyi (Snake – ed.) Island and everywhere else in combat zones. The Alpha Special Group of the Security Service of Ukraine are our real Ukrainian soldiers! Exemplary Ukrainian power! Thank you, guys! [Thanks to] everyone!".

Details: The head of state wished that the Special Forces Security Service of Ukraine would kill as many enemies as possible and the whole of Ukraine to win as soon as possible.

Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyy posted a congratulatory video on his Facebook page.

He thanked the Special Forces for their steadfastness, strength and dedication.

In addition, Major General Vasyl Maliuk, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, noted that the unique special operations carried out by Alpha Special Group set a high bar not only for their Ukrainian colleagues but also for special forces from other countries.

Quote: "You are always in the most dangerous areas and you do not hesitate to take on the most difficult tasks. This effective work has resulted in thousands of Russians killed and their military equipment destroyed. And most importantly, liberated Ukrainian territories.

We're paying a high price on this path to victory because war takes away our colleagues. Everyone who gave their life for the Motherland is a hero. The memory of our fallen brothers will always remain in our hearts.

I am sincerely grateful to everyone who does not hesitate to go into battle, risking their lives. Step by step, we are moving forward to finally liberate our land from the enemy. And we will definitely do it!".

Each of the speakers recalled the motto of the Alpha Special Group of the Security Service of Ukraine: "Life to the Motherland! Honour to no one!".

For reference: The Alpha's history began on 23 June 1994, when a presidential decree established Department "A" as part of the Central Department of the Security Service of Ukraine and corresponding units in the country's regions. In July 1996, it was reorganised into the Department for combating terrorism, protecting participants in criminal proceedings and law enforcement officers of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The Special Operations Centre for combating terrorism, protecting participants in criminal proceedings and law enforcement officers has been operating since December 2005.

Currently, the Alpha is headed up by Yevhenii Khmara.

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