United States announces they will continue to suppress Wagner Group

Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 03:19

The US will continue to suppress Wagner Group to deprive its mercenaries of the opportunity to sow chaos and violence in the world.

Source: White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby at a briefing

Quote from Kirby:"We recognise that Wagner still has a presence in Africa.  I think you know we have worked to hold Wagner accountable.  They are listed as a transnational criminal organisation.  We have sanctioned them.

We will continue to take those actions that are appropriate to try to limit their ability to continue to sow chaos and violence wherever it is."

Details: At the same time, Kirby emphasised that it is still too early to say where the Wagner Group will go as an organisation after last weekend's failed rebellion, or where its leader Yevgeny Prigozhin will go in terms of his leadership of the company.

The White House representative also added that he did not know Prigozhin's whereabouts.


Previously, the WSJ, citing its sources, wrote that the US Department of State has decided to postpone the planned imposition of sanctions against the gold mining business operated by the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) in Africa.

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