Ukraine mirrors Russia's threat towards shipping vessels in Black Sea

Thursday, 20 July 2023, 15:30

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has published a warning that from 21 July, all the vessels headed to the Russian ports or Russia-occupied Ukrainian ports may be considered as those carrying military cargo.

Source: statement of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry published on 20 July at 15:00

Quote: "From 00:00 of 21 July 2023 all vessels headed to the water area of the Black Sea in the direction of the Russian sea ports and Ukrainian ports, located in the temporarily Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories, may be considered by Ukraine as those carrying military cargo with all associated risks."

Moreover, movement of ships in the northeast of the Black Sea and Kerch–Yenikale canal of Ukraine is considered dangerous and banned from 05:00 of 20 July 2023.

"The corresponding navigation information for sailors has been posted," the statement reads.

"The responsibility for all risks lies completely on the Russian government," the Defence Ministry of Ukraine warned.

"The fate of the Moscow cruiser [destroyed by the Ukrainian forces – ed.] proves that the Defence Forces have all the necessary means for repelling Russian aggression at sea," the ministry stated.

It was stressed in the statement that Russia has once again brutally violated the global right to freedom of movement for vessels and is consciously sabotaging food trade, dooming millions of people to starvation.

"By openly threatening civil vessels, carrying food products from the Ukrainian ports, launching missile and drone attacks on civil infrastructure of peaceful cities, deliberately creating a military threat on the trade routes, the Kremlin has turned the Black Sea into a danger zone," the statement reads.


On 19 July, the Russian Defence Ministry announced that all vessels headed to the Ukrainian ports under any flag after midnight of 20 July will be considered as those participating in the military conflict by Russia.

Russia also claimed that the termination of the grain deal means the revocation of guarantees of navigation safety.

On 18 July, Russia announced its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

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