During the full-scale invasion, three times as many civilians have died as during the 8 years of war in Ukraine

Friday, 7 July 2023, 20:37

In the 500 days of the full-scale invasion, three times more civilians have died than in the previous eight years of fighting in the east of the country.

Source: United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission, which has been working in Ukraine since 2014.

Details: The UN monitoring mission reported that it was able to confirm the death of more than 9,000 civilians in Ukraine. More than 500 of them are children. This number has been recorded since the full-scale attack by Russia on 24 February 2022. The organisation warned that the actual number of victims could be much higher.

"Today we mark another sad mark in the war, which continues to result in terrible losses of the civilians of Ukraine," said Noel Calhoun, deputy head of the HRMMU.

As noted by the UN, the total monthly number of dead and injured persons decreased at the beginning of this year compared to last year. Unfortunately, in May and June, their average number increased again.

Background: Last time the Russian Federation launched a missile attack on civilian objects in Lviv on 6 July, 10 people were killed.

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