Putin to visit China in October

Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 14:44

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is set to visit China in October to take part in the Belt and Road forum, known within China as One Belt One Road.

Source: press service of the Kremlin on Telegram

Details: Vladimir Putin met with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Head of the Office of the CPC Central Committee Commission for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, in the Konstantinovsky Palace (St Petersburg, Russia).

Putin had invited Wang Yi to Russia.

Quote from Putin: "I was delighted to accept the invitation of the President of the People's Republic of China to visit China in October this year as part of a major event to promote President Xi Jinping's idea, which already has an international brand – One Belt One Road. This is fully in line with our interests.

We are integrating both our ideas about creating a large Eurasian space and our Chinese friends’ ideas within the framework of the One Belt One Road programme. And we are acting quite synchronously."



  • Chinese President Xi Jinping flew to Moscow and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on 20 March 2023.
  • On 17 March 2023, Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin in connection with the deportation of children from the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. 
  • The Russian Presidential Administration has called the arrest warrant issued for Vladimir Putin by the ICC in The Hague legally null and void.
  • However, the Russian president hardly ever travels anywhere in order not to be arrested abroad, as ICC member states are obliged to detain and bring him to trial.
  • China is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, which governs the ICC. This means that the court's jurisdiction does not apply to its territory.

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