Russians prepare to draft local population in occupied Ukraine's south

Monday, 25 September 2023, 02:45

The Russian invaders have created so-called federal military enlistment offices in the temporarily occupied southern areas and are preparing to recruit local men there.

Source: Ukraine's National Resistance Center (NRC)

Details: Ukraine’s NRC reported that the Russians are currently forming a military registration system for conscripts and persons liable for military service among the residents of the temporarily occupied territories.

This includes the creation of so-called federal military enlistment offices in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.

At the same time, the Russian occupation administrations regularly post announcements on their propaganda Telegram channels with demands that the local population of conscription age and those liable for military service provide personal information and copies of documents that prove their identity for further "temporary registration" in the newly created "military enlistment offices".

In addition, local residents regularly receive conscription notices with demands to report to the local Russian-occupation authorities’ office for "military registration".

Background: UK Defence Intelligence noted, on the anniversary of Vladimir Putin's approval of partial mobilisation in Russia, that the Russian army is facing several problems, particularly due to the lack of regular rotations. 

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