Civilian injured in Russian attack on Nikopol

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 21:16

Russian occupying forces have struck the city of Nikopol in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast twice on the afternoon of 24 October, injuring a man.

Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "The enemy attacked Nikopol twice within the day, using a kamikaze drone during the first time, and then [they used] heavy artillery.

A man, 36, sustained shrapnel injuries. He was hospitalised in moderate condition."

Details: A hotel, a veterinary clinic, a car and a power line were damaged.

Lysak also said a Russian missile strike affected a cafe, a lyceum, a bank, and a pharmacy in the Synelnykove district. Besides, 10 houses of local residents were damaged.

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