Slovakia to finance production of two mine clearance vehicles for Ukraine

Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 21:34

Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár on Monday confirmed the country's intentions to continue humanitarian assistance after the change of power, in particular by providing funds for mine clearance.

Source: European Pravda, citing the Slovak news agency TERAZ; Blanár, after a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council

Details: The head of the Slovak Foreign Ministry stressed that Slovakia wants to help Ukrainians in the winter and will direct its humanitarian aid in this direction, as well as prepare assistance in the field of mine clearance.

"The Slovak Republic will finance the production of two Božena IV mine clearance vehicles for the Ukrainian side, which should be in service in Kherson Oblast early next year," he said.

Blanár also repeated the words of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico that the country's authorities will not provide any more military assistance to Ukraine.

"However, all commercial issues related to arms contracts are a matter for individual companies trading or operating in Slovakia, and the government will not interfere with this," the minister stressed.

Militarnyi outlet reiterates that Slovakia previously handed over 10 Slovak-made Božena-4 and Božena-5 remote-controlled mine clearance systems to Ukraine.

After being appointed to the post, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico confirmed that he will not support military assistance to Ukraine.

On 8 November, it became known that the Slovak government did not approve the fourteenth package of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of EUR 40.3 million, offered by his predecessors.

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