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Slovak PM discusses Lukoil oil blockade with Ukrainian PM and proposes his solution

Slovak president threatens Ukraine over suspension of Russian oil transit

Slovakia and Hungary say Ukraine suspended transit of Lukoil oil

Slovak parliament fails to condemn Russia's attack on Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv

Ukrainian and Slovak presidents discuss joint projects in energy sector

Slovak PM praises Orbán for visits to Kyiv and Moscow

Slovak President calls for restraint in negotiations on Ukraine's accession to NATO

Slovak President promises to increase energy supply to Ukraine in autumn and winter

14% of Slovak citizens want Russia to defeat Ukraine, most voted for current PM's party

Slovakia's new president meets Zelenskyy for first time, has "productive good-neighbourly debate"

President of Slovakia comments on participation in Czech initiative on shells for Ukraine

Slovak citizen who fought on Russia's side captured in Ukraine

Man who attacked Slovak PM says he wanted to influence Slovakia's policy on Ukraine

Slovak PM in "stable but serious" condition after assassination attempt

Slovak president spoke to Fico: Slovak PM remembers moment of assassination attempt

Slovak PM assassination attempt: Fico stable but in very serious condition

Man who shot Slovak PM may belong to pro-Russian militarised group – photos

Zelenskyy strongly condemns assassination attempt on Slovak PM and wishes him speedy recovery

Slovak PM assassination attempt: Fico in "life-threatening" condition, next few hours will be critical

Slovak PM in hospital after attempt on his life

Slovak president visits Moshchun, where she honours dead Ukrainian defenders

Zelenskyy comments on Slovakian PM’s scorn for Slovaks who raised money for shells for Ukraine

Slovak president arrives in Ukraine on farewell visit – photo

Slovaks raise nearly €4 million for ammunition for Ukraine without government support

Slovaks raise over €3 million for ammunition for Ukraine

Russia will never leave Crimea and Donbas, Slovak PM says

Ukrainian PM explains Slovakia's involvement in Peace Formula after meeting with Slovak counterpart

Slovak PM says Slovakia will not impede Ukraine's path to EU

Slovakia to take part in Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland

Slovak PM says his country wants to maintain friendly relations with Ukraine