Russians injure 3 Donetsk Oblast residents and kill civilian in Kherson Oblast in one day

Saturday, 18 November 2023, 08:57

Three people were injured due to Russian attacks in Donetsk Oblast, and three people were injured and one was killed in Kherson Oblast over the past day. 

Source: Ihor Moroz, Acting Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration; Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration

Quote from Moroz: "The Russians injured three residents of Donetsk Oblast on 17 November, in particular in Netailove, Maksymilianivka and Toretsk."

Quote from Prokudin: "Over the past day, the enemy launched 101 attacks, firing 577 projectiles from mortars, artillery, Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, tanks, SPG-9 recoilless guns, AGS grenade launchers, UAVs and aircraft."

Details: Prokudin said the Russian invaders fired 26 projectiles on the city of Kherson. The Russians targeted residential areas in Kherson Oblast settlements and a community arts centre in Beryslav District.

The authorities reported that one person had been killed and three others injured due to Russian aggression.

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