Russians attack village near Kherson, injure two people

Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 19:30

The Russians struck the village of Antonivka in Kherson Oblast on the afternoon of 21 November. Two people have received explosive injuries as a result.

Source: Kherson Oblast Military Administration; Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration

Quote: "In the afternoon the Russians struck Antonivka. A 62-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman were injured. They were taken to hospital with explosive injuries."

Details: Mrochko added that the attack was launched at 14:30.

Updated at 19:30: Later Mrochko reported that three people were injured in the attacks by the Russians. "One man is in critical condition; the other is undergoing an outpatient treatment, and the woman is in moderate condition," Mrochko stated.

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