Five dead in Odesa Oblast due to stormy weather – Zelenskyy

Monday, 27 November 2023, 22:26

The death toll due to the extreme weather in Odesa Oblast has risen to five. At least 19 people have been injured.

Source: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s evening address

Quote: "In every hromada, it is important to do everything possible to avoid casualties due to the extreme weather. Unfortunately, as of now, there are casualties. The highest number is in Odesa Oblast – five people died. My condolences go out to their families and friends. At least 19 people have been injured. [A hromada is an administrative unit designating a village, several villages, or a town, and their adjacent territories – ed.] 

Everyone has been provided with the necessary assistance. Operational headquarters at both the national and regional levels will continue to work until the situation is normalised. The epicentre of the cyclone is now moving to the northern regions – we are ready to help everywhere."

Details: Zelenskyy also noted that almost 1,500 settlements in 17 oblasts have been left without electricity due to the extreme weather. The president also thanked emergency workers, drivers, and the National Guard for helping people during the blizzard.


  • The bodies of three people who had probably frozen to death were found in the Prymorskyi district of the city of Odesa.

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