Missile debris damages high-rise buildings in Kyiv – photo

Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 15:18

Buildings in the Urban Park residential complex in Kyiv’s Desnianskyi district have been damaged by debris from a downed missile during Russia’s overnight attack on the Ukrainian capital.

Source: Kyivmiskbud, a construction company in Kyiv, on its website and Facebook

Details: During the latest night attack on Kyiv, a piece of a downed Russian missile damaged several buildings in the Urban Park residential complex. 

At building No. 3, the missile piece damaged monolithic reinforced concrete structures at the level of the 13th-16th floors [this building is still under construction – ed.].  

Partial damage to the facade, windows and doors of external stairways was recorded in building No. 1.

Window structures in building No. 2 were also damaged.

Experts are still inspecting the buildings to identify all the damage and calculate the losses.

A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 
A piece of a Russian missile damaged buildings in the Urban Park residential complex 

Kyivmiskbud employees are working with all the necessary agencies to record the incident in accordance with the law.

Quote: "This is the fifth Kyivmiskbud complex to have been impacted by Russian attacks on the capital since the beginning of the full-scale invasion."


  • Russia has resumed its attacks on Kyiv, using ballistic missiles launched from ground-based launchers, making the launches harder to detect. Twice in the last three days, air-raid warnings were issued after Kyiv residents heard explosions from air defence response. 
  • On the night of 10-11 December, the air defence network destroyed all eight ballistic missiles that had targeted Kyiv. Debris from the downed Russian missiles fell in the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv, where four people were injured and windows were smashed. There was also damage at two addresses.
  • On the night of 12-13 December, the defenders shot down all 10 ballistic missiles over Kyiv, but missile debris fell in several districts. As a result, 53 people were injured, including 6 children, and 18 adults and 2 children were hospitalised. A high-rise building, a kindergarten, cars, a hospital and a morgue in the Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv were damaged as a result of this missile attack.

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