Zelenskyy urges government and local authorities to help people affected by Russian attacks

Saturday, 30 December 2023, 22:44

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stressed that people affected by Russian attacks should be provided with all necessary assistance at the governmental and local levels.

Source: Zelenskyy's evening address on 30 December

Quote: "Today is the day of reports on the response to the aftermath of Russian strikes. More than 120 of our towns and villages were affected by yesterday's [29 December] Russian attack alone. 39 people were killed...

It's crucial that the affected people, those whose houses and flats were damaged by terrorists, are provided with all the necessary assistance. We must work on this at both the government and local levels."

Details: The Ukrainian president also stressed that "there will be a just punishment for every Russian strike – both political and very practical".


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