Russians prepare teenagers to serve in army in occupied territories

Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 05:44

The Russian invaders have created a "military sports training centre" for teenagers in the occupied city of Luhansk to prepare them for service in the Russian army.

Source: Ukraine’s National Resistance Center  

Quote: "The Russians are building a network of militarised clubs among Ukrainian teenagers in the temporarily occupied territories.

Thus, the enemy opened a ‘military and sports training centre’ based on a ‘college’ in Luhansk. The centre’s opening was financed from the federal budget, which indicates a targeted programme initiated by the Kremlin."

Details: The National Resistance Center noted that in this way, teenagers from the age of 14 will be prepared for military service in the Russian army.

"This is another act of violation of international law by the occupiers, who recruit teenagers for the war against their historical homeland," the National Resistance Center added.

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