Bear rescued by Ukrainian Armed Forces settles into new home in Scotland

Friday, 12 January 2024, 14:39

An Asiatic black bear that only just survived the Russian occupation of Yampil, Donetsk Oblast, has been successfully moved to a zoo in Scotland. The new home of the bear, who is also named Yampil, is the Five Sisters Zoo.

Source: The Telegraph

Details: Ukrainian soldiers saved the bear in the village of Yampil, Donetsk Oblast, in October 2022. Almost all of the 200 animals in the abandoned private zoo had died of starvation or been killed in attacks.

Staff at the Five Sisters Zoo found out about the bear from a Belgian animal welfare charity which took care of Yampil in the period between his rescue and the search for a permanent home.

"When we were made aware of the awful treatment and conditions Yampil was subjected to, our hearts broke; we were just so amazed he was still alive and well," said Brian Curran, owner of Five Sisters Zoo.

Curran added that 12-year-old Yampil received a concussion when a Russian shell exploded near his cage.

"He was in terrible condition; five more days and they wouldn’t have been able to save him. Bears, just like people, can suffer mental health issues similar to post-traumatic stress syndrome after they’ve been through something really traumatic. 

That’s why we have the best team on hand to care for him and help make this transition as peaceful and calm for him as possible," adds Curran.

The zoo plans to raise £200,000 for Yampil’s new enclosure and upkeep. So far, local businesses and individuals have donated £60,000.

The bear has now been settled in a temporary enclosure where he will continue to recover until he goes into hibernation.


  • Yampol initially underwent rehabilitation at Lutsk Zoo.
  • UAnimals has previously reported on the animals that have been saved thanks to the Ukrainian military.

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