UK Foreign Secretary compares Putin to Hitler and urges against appeasing him

Thursday, 18 January 2024, 08:35

David Cameron, UK Secretary of Foreign Affairs, feels that current events in the world are reminiscent of the pre-war 1930s, when the West tried to appease Adolf Hitler.

Source: Cameron in an interview for the Power Play podcast on Politico 

Details: Cameron said that the war in Ukraine remains his "absolute number one priority". 

"This is the challenge for our generation," he said.

Cameron compared the current events in the world in the context of Russian aggression to the period before World War II.

 "This is like being a foreign minister or a leader of Europe in the 1930s, we have got to not appease Putin. We have got to stand up to the evil that his invasion represents," he said.

His remarks come as the West tries to help Ukraine acquire high-tech weapons to defend itself against Russia’s full-scale invasion, preparing for the possible return of NATO sceptic Donald Trump to the White House.

"One thing we can do is demonstrate over the course of this year that Putin isn’t winning," Cameron said.


  • In a speech on 16 January, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps announced the beginning of a new era – the era of the pre-war world.
  • And Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, has called for the transformation of the Alliance's combat capability in an era of unpredictability in which "anything can happen".

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