Russians launch attacks on Kharkiv

Wednesday, 3 January 2024, 22:49

The Russians have launched attacks on the city of Kharkiv on the evening of 3 January. There are reports about explosions.

Source: Ihor Terekhov,the  mayor of Kharkiv; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Quote: "An explosion has occurred in Kharkiv. The occupiers are launching attacks. Do not leave the shelters until the all-clear is given!"

Update: Later, Syniehubov specified that the Russian Federation launched two attacks on Kharkiv; according to preliminary information, they used S-300 missiles. 

Quote: "As of now, there are no victims. There is information about damage to civilian non-residential infrastructure in the central part of the city. [Rescue] services continue to inspect the impact sites."

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