Russia conducts largest number of airstrikes on Tavriia operational area since beginning of 2024 – Operational Strategic Group Commander

Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 14:05

Russian troops have conducted the largest number of airstrikes on the operational area of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group since the beginning of the year.

Source: Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, Commander of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group, on Telegram

Quote: "The total losses of the Russians over the past day in manpower amounted to 610 people, in weapons and military equipment – 50 units, not including UAVs. In particular, these include 5 tanks, 19 armoured combat vehicles, 10 artillery systems, 1 MLRS, 1 air defence system and 14 vehicles.

A total of 263 UAVs of various types were downed or destroyed. In particular, 16 drones were shot down by small arms."

Details: In total, the Russians carried out 73 airstrikes, 54 assault operations and 1,051 artillery attacks on the operational area of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group.

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