Four dead and one wounded after Russians strike car in Kherson city centre – video

Monday, 5 February 2024, 13:17

Four people lost their lives and another sustained injuries in the city centre of Kherson as a result of a Russian attack.

Source: Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson City Military Administration, on Telegram; Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration.

Quote from Mrochko: "After 12:00, Russian occupying forces attacked Kherson from the temporarily occupied left bank. 

The impact of enemy projectiles caused a fire in the city centre. Upon arrival at the scene, rescuers discovered the bodies of two men. The information is being further clarified."

Details: Mrochko added that, as a result of the attack, one additional person was also injured. Medical assistance is being provided to them.

Prokudin specified that the Russians hit a passenger car in the city centre. The vehicle caught fire as a result of the attack. While extinguishing the fire, rescuers discovered the bodies of two deceased men inside the car.

Additionally, a 24-year-old resident of Kherson suffered injuries due to Russian strikes. He was transported to the hospital with a blast injury.

Update: Prokudin reported that Russians continue to bombard the centre of Kherson with artillery fire.

A 66-year-old woman sustained fatal injuries due to an artillery strike. At the time of the shelling, she was outdoors.

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