Air defence responds to Russian drone attack in Kyiv Oblast and near Kyiv particularly

Friday, 15 March 2024, 01:32

Kyiv Oblast Military Administration reported that air defence assets and personnel were responding to a Russian drone attack on the night of 14-15 March.

Source: Kyiv Oblast Military Administration; Kyiv City Military Administration

Quote: "Movement of enemy UAVs has been detected! Air defence assets and personnel are responding in the oblast."

Details: An air-raid warning was issued in Kyiv Oblast at 01:00.

At around 02:00, an air-raid warning was issued in the city of Kyiv, and it was reported that there was a threat of a drone attack on the capital.

Kyiv City Military Administration reported at 02:22 that air defence was responding in the oblast on the outskirts of Kyiv.

The all-clear was given for both the city and the entire oblast at 02:51.

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