Europe will be able to produce necessary amount of ammunition

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 04:14

Czech President Petr Pavel has said that in the near future, European companies will be able to produce the necessary amount of ammunition for themselves and Ukraine.

Source: Petr Pavel; Radio Liberty

Quote: "The production of the required number of shells takes time. This requires an increase in our production capacity. But Ukraine needs shells now.

We can't wait for European companies, so we are trying to find ammunition wherever we can. We are trying to deliver it to Ukraine as quickly as possible. But at the same time, we are increasing our own capacity."

"In the near future, European companies will be able to produce the necessary amount of ammunition to replenish the stockpiles of European countries, as well as to provide Ukraine with ammunition if it still needs it."


  • Petr Pavel stated that it is still impossible to imagine that Ukraine and Russia could reach an agreement to end the war.

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