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Polish farmers block railway at Medyka border crossing and spill grain from hopper car – photo, video

Mass protests by Polish farmers lead to blockade of border with Ukraine – photo

Polish Minister of Agriculture appeals to farmers before protest, inviting them to negotiate

This is about politics, not grain – Zelenskyy assesses crisis at Polish border

Ukraine briefs EU Commission on situation at Polish border, expects response from partners

Polish protesters block passenger train from Ukraine

Ukraine's State Border Guard Service unable to confirm total blockade of Polish border

Polish farmers tried to block railway at border on Sunday – photo

Six checkpoints blocked in Poland, more than 3,000 lorries queueing

Polish farmers block another checkpoint on border with Ukraine without specifying deadline for lifting blockade

Zelenskyy: Situation on Ukrainian-Polish border is violation of the principles of solidarity

Poland announces detention of Ukrainian suspected of sabotage on behalf of Russia

Talks with Ukraine on agricultural products are at final stage – Polish Minister

Poland scrambles aircraft due to Russian missile attack on Ukraine

Ukraine undeterred by additional checks of grain passing through Poland

Deputy Marshal of Polish Sejm calls Lviv mayor's reaction to spilled grain "Bandera speak"

Polish agrarians say they will block all Ukrainian freight transport

Poles block 6th border crossing point with Ukraine for 1 hour in ongoing protest

Polish minister apologises to Ukraine for spilled grain incident: Farmers' emotions got the best of them

France, Germany and Poland unite to combat Russian disinformation and bots

State Border Guard Service describes current situation on Ukrainian-Polish border

Poland blocks 5 border crossing points

Those complicit in the spoiling of Ukrainian grain on Polish border must be held accountable – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Ukrainian Embassy in Poland turns to police because of spilled grain incident

Polish farmers block two new checkpoints and resume blockade at Shehyni

Lviv Mayor on Polish protesters' spilling of Ukrainian grain: "Senseless and shameful"

Polish farmers spill grain from Ukrainian trucks on border – video

Polish farmers unblock checkpoint on border with Ukraine

Scholz reacts to Putin's claims in Tucker Carlson interview

Putin justifies Hitler's actions: The Poles were uncooperative. Poland expresses outrage