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Polish PM pledges to address Polish Sejm on blocking Russian and Belarusian agricultural products

Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Minister speaks to Polish counterpart of Russian destabilising grain import to EU

Polish border situation has gone too far economically and morally – Zelenskyy

Six Ukrainians injured after car drives into crowd in Poland

All six crossing points on Polish-Ukrainian border blocked, 2,400 lorries in queue

Argument resolved between Ukrainian drivers and Polish police near Korczowa checkpoint

Polish police blocks Ukrainian drivers headed to the negotiations with the protesters – photo

Border blockade: Polish farmers refuse to let any lorries pass through Shehyni checkpoint

Lithuania denies allegations of re-exporting laundered Ukrainian grain to Poland

Thousands of lorries carrying Russian agricultural products go through Belarus to Poland – Ukrainska Pravda investigation

How Poland replaces Ukrainian agricultural products with Russian ones – investigation by Ukrainska Pravda

Polish PM suggests Poland may ban grain imports from Russia

Polish farmers will partially block traffic on border with Lithuania from Friday

Putin's statements should be taken extremely seriously – Polish PM

Poland detains Russian on charges of working with ISIS

Reporters Without Borders condemns obstruction of Mykhailo Tkach's work by Polish police

Statement by Ukrainska Pravda on the detention of journalists Mykhailo Tkach and Yaroslav Bondarenko in Poland

Border closure was not discussed in negotiations with Poland – Ukraine's Trade Representative

"Policing the border": Polish authorities detail detention of Ukrainian journalist

Two-thirds of Poles blame EU and its Ukraine policy for farmers' issues

Detention of Ukrainska Pravda journalist in Poland: Lublin police confirm they took "measures to establish identity"

Detention of Ukrainska Pravda journalist in Poland: Police say they didn't apprehend anybody

Visegrád Group leaders publicly clash over war in Ukraine

Poles detain Ukrainska Pravda journalist on border near Belarus while reporting on trade between Poland and Russia – photo

EU must bring back pre-war rules of food trade with Ukraine – Polish Foreign Affairs Minister

Polish Foreign Minister asks US to send weapons to Ukraine

Polish hauliers plan to resume protests on border with Ukraine later this week

Ukraine's Ambassador demands Poland do "everything under the sun" to punish those responsible for grain destruction

Zelenskyy on Polish border blockade: If situation is not resolved, Ukraine will have to defend its business

Most extensive damage inflicted on Ukrainian grain exports in Poland – photo, video