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Polish farmers to blockade Ukrainian buses at Medyka-Shehyni border checkpoint

Polish PM hopes to reach agreement with Ukraine on agricultural issues by 28 March

France joins Poland in requesting restrictions on import of Ukrainian agricultural products

Ukrainian grain exports have no meaningful effect on grain prices in Poland

Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Polish authorities to stop detaining journalists at Polish-Ukrainian border

Poland and Germany to launch armoured vehicles coalition for Ukraine in late March

Income from frozen Russian assets would be better spent on weapons for Ukraine than rebuilding it – Poland's foreign minister

Sham elections in Russia are not fair and free – Poland

Journalist federations urge Poland to investigate interference in Ukrainian reporters' work exposing Poland's trade with Russia

Queues at border with three EU countries arise due to blockade by Polish farmers

Blockade of Polish-Ukrainian border: farmers agree to let lorries pass to Ukraine at one of the checkpoints

Polish protesters will let two lorries per hour pass through Uhryniv checkpoint

Ukrainian journalists film Poland's trade with Russia and were deported with their property seized – video

Poland joins Czech initiative in procuring shells for Ukraine

Scholz, Macron and Tusk to meet to discuss their stances on support for Ukraine – Politico

Polish leaders discuss how to maintain and strengthen support for Ukraine at meeting with Biden

Ukrainian consul sees no blockage of bus traffic at Polish border

Polish agriculture minister hopes to establish mechanism to regulate agricultural imports from Ukraine

Ukrainian consul on his way to Dorohusk checkpoint amid reports of buses being blocked

Ukraine's Border Guard comments on Polish border blockade: buses are allowed to pass, but there is an issue

Ukraine's infrastructure minister says Polish protesters and police begun stopping passenger buses carrying Ukrainians

Ukraine's border guards comment on situation at Polish border amidst protests by farmers

"Great march" to take place in Poland: protesters demand embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products

Poles decide to unblock Krakovets border checkpoint

Western troops in Ukraine is "not something unthinkable" – Polish foreign minister

Polish Sejm passes resolution imposing sanctions on agricultural products from Russia and Belarus

Polish deputy foreign minister meets with Chinese special representative to discuss Ukraine

Ukrainian parliament asks Polish counterparts to look into detention of Ukrainska Pravda journalists

Farmers' protest in Warsaw escalates into clashes: people detained and injured – video, photo

Polish farmers protest in Warsaw and set tyres on fire – photo