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Tetiana Lozovenko

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"
All Publications of this Author

Russia attacks Kyiv’s critical infrastructure, several missiles shot down

Russia hits Kharkiv’s critical infrastructure, leading to power outages and water supply disruptions

Anti-aircraft defence system deployed in Kyiv, Poltava and Vinnytsia oblasts

Russia introduces "automatic Russian citizenship" for residents of occupied Zaporizhzhia Oblast

"Honestly seized": National Guard of Ukraine uses trophy equipment that belonged to Russians for counteroffensive

Russians penalise residents of occupied territories for subscribing to Ukrainian media outlets

Russian teachers begin to flee Melitopol

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down Russian helicopter and attack jet

Russians lose 19 UAVs and a helicopter over the past 24 hours

10 more Ukrainian soldiers released from Russian captivity

Russian occupiers admit trucks will not be allowed on Crimean Bridge until December

Russian priest baptises occupiers using body bags

Ukraine’s advance in south slows down due to rains, but it’s still there – Defence Minister

Bodies of civilians found in liberated part of Donetsk Oblast

Kremlin plans second Grom nuclear drill this year

Occupiers complain that roubles are not accepted in Kherson

Ukraine recovers bodies of 25 more soldiers
