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Mariya Yemets

journalist at European Pravda
All Publications of this Author

European Commission to give positive verbal assessment of Ukraine's European integration reforms – Financial Times

UK Defence Intelligence analysed Ukraine's attack on Russian ferry crossing in Kerch

Ukraine's Parliament ratifies agreement with EU that determines conditions for €50 billion aid financing

First phase of screening Ukrainian legislation for compliance with EU law completed

US House of Representatives believes that US should give Ukraine freedom of action in use of weapons

EU Commission to release updated assessment of Ukraine's progress on path to EU

Zelenskyy to visit Paris on Friday

Allowing Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with German weapons does not threaten escalation – Scholz

Netherlands will not restrict Ukraine's use of F-16s to strike targets in Russia

Zelenskyy explains why he would like to invite Trump to Ukraine

Zelenskyy calls on allies to influence US position on Ukraine's NATO membership

PACE president condemns yet another Russian attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure

Council of Europe Secretary General condemns trial in absentia of 20 Belarusian oppositionists

Security agreement between Ukraine and Poland can be signed before NATO summit in July

Warsaw proposes to train unit of military-age Ukrainians residing in Poland on its territory

Latvian President calls on allies to allow Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons against targets in Russia

Zelenskyy: Agreement with Spain provides for €1 billion in military aid this year

White House discusses allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with US-supplied weapons
