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Belarusian media: Russian soldiers are regularly brought to the radiation medical centre

Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 21:30

Wednesday 30, 2022, 21:30

Russian soldiers are regularly brought to the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology.

Source: Belaruski Gayun


Verbatim: "About 7 medical PAZ buses have arrived at the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology in Gomel.The photo demonstrates that there are people in the cars. It should be noted that Russian soldiers are brought to this centre on a regular basis."

Background: ‘Energoatom’ reports that the Russian invaders are exposed to significant external and internal radiation in Chornobyl Exclusion Zone.

On March 26, Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources announced that 31 fires with a total area of 10,111 hectares had been detected in the exclusion zone near Chornobyl nuclear power plant, and radioactive contamination was increasing.
