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Ukrainian fighters defeated aggressors who managed to leap a river in Luhansk region

Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 22:41
Ukrainian fighters defeated aggressors who managed to leap a river in Luhansk region

Alyona Mazurenko - Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 22:41

The Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, Serhii Haidai, said that Ukrainian defenders defeated the invaders who had managed to jump the river with their military equipment, using a pontoon bridge near Bilohorivka. Ukrainian fighters have been fishing for the invaders in the river or chasing those who have been hiding all day long.

Source: Serhii Haidai on air during the national 24/7 newscast


Quote: "The battles near Popasna goes on. It's hot in Bilohorivka. Our defenders continue to hunt down the Russians who crossed over to our bank - the clearance operation is still under way."

"Fighting is still going on in Rubizhne and Voievodivka. Our defence is stable, though."

Details: According to Serhii Haidai, the aggressors managed to set up a pontoon crossing and move their military equipment. However, Ukrainian defenders eliminated all the aggressors’ military equipment and the crossing itself.


All day long on 10 May, Ukrainian defenders were chasing and killing the aggressors who had crossed the river earlier or had been hiding.

Earlier, Serhii Haidai said that "about 80 Ruscists reached our bank."

According to him, the residents of Luhansk region are living without any access to communications at the moment. There is no electricity, water, gas supply or mobile communication in the liberated settlements.

The Russians continue to shell the crucial Lysychansk-Bakhmut road.

Serhii Haidai hopes that it will become possible to deliver humanitarian goods in a few days for those who have stayed in the region, namely, over 40,000 residents.

Evacuation remains impossible, according to the Head of the Regional State Administration: "Evacuation will resume as soon as our defenders drive the Ruscists back, away from the road to a distance that will make shelling ‘the path of life’ impossible."


On the morning of 10 May, in Bilohorivka, Luhansk region, the "sweeping of the territory" began. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed the pontoons and military equipment of the Russian troops, and some of the invaders have fled by swimming.

Earlier, Russian military equipment managed to cross the Siverskyi Donets river by pontoon, but the Ukrainian military started a clearance operation.
