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Mariupol: The deputy from “Opposition Platform — For Life” party has joined the side of occupiers - the adviser to the mayor

Monday, 2 May 2022, 14:51
Mariupol: The deputy from “Opposition Platform — For Life” party has joined the side of occupiers - the adviser to the mayor


Adviser to the Mariupol Mayor Petro Andriushchenko said that the deputy from the banned pro-Russian party "Opposition Platform — For Life", Vadym Istratov, has sided with the occupiers and received the position of "deputy" to the so-called "mayor" appointed by the Russians.

Source: Andriushchenko on Telegram


Andriushchenko's quote: "Meet Istratov Vadym Anatoliiovych, the new financial brain of the occupying power of Mariupol. Member of the OPZH fraction [ "Opposition Platform — For Life" party].  He has been appointed as Ivashchenko's head/deputy for financial and budgetary issues (it’s not possible to write down his full position). He independently took the decision to cooperate with the occupiers, which is the rule rather than the exception for the OPZH fraction".

Details: The mayor's adviser added that the collaborator would be remembered and that "retribution would be taken".

Background: In early April, in Mariupol, with the support of the occupying Russian forces, a new "mayor" was elected. This is Kostiantyn Ivashchenko - the traitor from the now-illegal pro-Russian "OPZH" party.
