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Haidai shows what Bilohorivka looks like after the battle with the Russians

Friday, 20 May 2022, 20:37
Haidai shows what Bilohorivka looks like after the battle with the Russians


Serhii Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, has shown what the village of Belohorivka, where the Ukrainian military defeated the Russians during an attempt to force their way across the Siverskyi Donets, looks like. 

Source: Haidai on Facebook and Telegram 


Details: The head of the Oblast Military Administration said that the Luhansk Oblast police officers were able to drive to Belohorivka and pick up 8 people. 

Residents of Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk have also left, including 12 people who decided to leave the school that the Russians shelled in Sieverodonetsk in the morning. 

Those who refused to evacuate, according to Haidai, were moved to other shelters in the city.


In total, he said that 38 people were evacuated, including 12 children: "Everyone is now safe." 


  • The Ukrainian military has repeatedly thwarted enemy attempts to cross the Siverskyi Donets in Belohorivka, destroying pontoons and equipment belonging to the Russian invaders.  
  • In particular, when trying to cross the Siverskyi Donets on 11 May, the Russian army lost 485 servicemen of the 74th Motorised Rifle Brigade out of the 550 sent there (i.e. 88%), and more than 80 pieces of Russian equipment were damaged. 
  • According to Gaidai on 18 May, the Russian forces are refusing to go to Belohorivka (Luhansk region) and are not attempting to cross the Siverskyi Donets for now, because it is "scary".
