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The occupiers offer residents of Mariupol passports of the Russian Federation - mayor's adviser

Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 16:32
The occupiers offer residents of Mariupol passports of the Russian Federation - mayor's adviser


The Russian occupiers informed the locals of Mariupol that they could obtain Russian citizenship without obtaining the intermediate citizenship of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic."

Source: Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda


Quote from Andriushchenko: "People who lost their documents - many of them were burned, for example - asked the occupation authorities how to get their documents. The so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ initially avoided these issues, even when all sorts of pushyliny (collaborator, leader of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" Denys Pushylin - ed.) came, they kept silent.

But today, their so-called Migration Service said that Mariupol residents - as they say for "residents of the liberated territories" - do not need to obtain intermediate citizenship of the "Donetsk People's Republic" to obtain Russian citizenship."

Details: Andriushchenko recalled that previously a resident of the occupied territories was able to quickly obtain Russian citizenship only if he had a Donetsk People's Republic passport. And now a Russian Federation passport under the accelerated procedure can be received by all citizens who are registered in Donetsk Oblast.

Andriushchenko recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin had signed a decree on simplified admission to Russian citizenship of residents of the occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhia oblasts of Ukraine.  

Asked whether Russian passports had already been issued to Mariupol residents, Andriushchenko said that as of 25 May, there was no such information. At the same time, he reminded that Mariupol residents cannot obtain a Russian passport in the city - for this they must go to Russia.

The adviser to the mayor of Mariupol thinks that the occupiers want to carry out a direct annexation of these territories.

"The actual annexation of Mariupol has begun," Andriushchenko concluded.  

Earlier : Andrey Klishas, chair of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, has declared that residents of all Ukrainian territories occupied by the Russian Federation, not just those who live in Donbas, have the right to decide whether to continue to stay with Russia.

