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Most of the shopping centre rubble in Kremenchuk has been cleared, mourning declared in the city

Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 10:28
Most of the shopping centre rubble in Kremenchuk has been cleared, mourning declared in the city


As of this morning, city services and volunteers had cleared most of the rubble from the shopping centre in Kremenchuk, which was hit by Russian forces the day before. The mayor announced a three-day mourning period for the dead.

Source: Dmytro Lunin, head of the Poltava Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; Mayor's press service


Quote from Lunin: "More than half of the rubble of the shopping centre has been cleared in Kremenchuk. More than a thousand people have been working on it all night. The work continues."

Details: Rescuers, police, medics and volunteers took part in the removal of the debris.

Vitalii Maletskyi, the Mayor of Kremenchuk, has declared a period of mourning for the victims from 28 June till 30 June.

Quote from Maletskyi: "Today is Constitution Day in Ukraine, but in Kremenchuk the state flags will be at half-mast. Any entertainment events are prohibited during these days [of mourning - ed.]."


On 27 June, the Russians struck the Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk with two missiles. As a result of the strike, the death toll currently stands at 18 people, with 36 people reported missing.
