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Russia transferred MiG-31 aircraft equipped with "Kinzhal" missiles to Kaliningrad

Thursday, 18 August 2022, 14:57


Russia has flown MiG-31 fighter jets with "Kinzhal" missiles to the Chkalovsk airfield in Kaliningrad Oblast, which borders Lithuania and Poland.

This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defence on Thursday, according to the Russian media, in particular, Russian state-owned news agency TASS.


The Russian ministry noted that round-the-clock combat duty will be organised on the site "as a part of strategic deterrence." The ministry also released footage of the relocation of fighter jets.

It is known that the Baltic countries are also concerned about the Iskander missile systems deployed by Russia in Kaliningrad Oblast.

Commenting on the deployment of Iskanders in Kaliningrad in 2018, the Kremlin stated that "we can place weapons anywhere."

The situation around Kaliningrad has escalated amid Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, due to restrictions on Russian transit through Lithuania.

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