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Zelenskyy awaits assistance plans for everyone freed from Russian captivity

Sunday, 25 September 2022, 23:35
Zelenskyy awaits assistance plans for everyone freed from Russian captivity

SUNDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER 2022, 23:35

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine is waiting for a proper assistance plan for every Ukrainian freed from Russian captivity on Tuesday.

Source: the President’s evening address


Quote: "This week, on Tuesday, I will receive a clear plan for each man and woman released from captivity - how to restore their normal lives. 

Just as with the process of freeing our heroes from Russian captivity, this normalisation process is led by Andrii Yermak, the Head of the President’s Office. He will be assisted by Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, our ombudsman, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine and others"

Details: According to Zelenskyy, state bodies are currently working out how to assist the freed soldiers. 

"Medical help, social and legal assistance, treatment, rehabilitation, restoration of documents, bank cards, accommodation, etc.", he clarified. 

Zelenskyy pointed out that work on the next prisoner swaps is in progress as well.

He noted that the process of swaps is directly connected to the situation on the frontline. 

"Our actions include increasing the number of those whom we can exchange. The more Russian soldiers are detained by Ukrainian forces, the sooner we will be able to free our warriors, our heroes from Russian captivity," the President highlighted.

Previously: Earlier this Sunday, the Head of the President’s Office, Andrii Yermak, reported that the freed commanders from Azovstal steel plant, who are now in Turkey, were going through medical examinations, and would soon be able to see their relatives.


  • On 21 September, as part of a prisoner swap with the Russian occupiers, Ukraine succeeded in freeing 215 Ukrainian defenders. 
  • National Guardsmen, border guards, police officers, marines, soldiers of Territorial Defence Forces, customs officers, and civilians are among those who have been set free. In particular, Denys "Redis" Prokopenko, Serhii "Volyna" Volynskyi, Sviatoslav Palamar, Denys Shleha, Oleh Khomenko - commanders from Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol - have been set free, as well. In addition, soldiers of the Azov Regiment, Mykola "Frost" Kushch and Kostiantyn "Fox" Nikitenko, whom the occupiers wanted to execute, have also returned to Ukraine. 
  • Five commanders of the Azov Regiment are currently in Turkey under the personal protection and safety guarantees of the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, they will stay in Turkey until the end of the Russian war against Ukraine. 
  • Russia has got back Viktor Medvedchuk [Ukrainian businessman and pro-Russian politician, whose daughter Putin is godfather to – ed.] and 55 occupiers.

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