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The US and G7 are preparing large-scale package of sanctions against Russia by 24 February

Thursday, 16 February 2023, 21:42

The United States, together with its partners in the G7, is preparing a new large-scale package of sanctions, which is planned to be announced on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Source: Victoria Nuland, US Deputy Secretary of State, during a telephone briefing with journalists, as European Pravda reports.

"I think closer to the 24th you will see a new large package of sanctions both from the United States and all our G7 partners. These sanctions will expand and deepen previously imposed restrictions in certain categories, related, in particular, to limiting the flow of technologies and equipment for the Russian defence industry, etc.," Nuland said.


In addition, individual punishments are being prepared for persons who are involved in or make direct efforts to support the war against Ukraine.

Nuland added that sanctions can also be announced against other countries that help Russia circumvent previously imposed restrictions in various ways. We are talking, in particular, about supply schemes to Russia from third countries for laptops, refrigerators, and other household appliances with electronic components that can be used for Russian military vehicles.

"We are also going to expand our export controls to cover countries that help Russia. We have spoken publicly about Iran, North Korea, and China. But there are also other countries that are used to circumvent sanctions," she added.

The European Commission has abandoned plans to impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear sector or its representatives in the next package of sanctions.

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