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Russia deploys 3 missile carriers to Black Sea

Monday, 13 March 2023, 11:42
Russia deploys 3 missile carriers to Black Sea

Russia is ramping up the number of its missile carriers in the Black Sea. As of 11:30 on 13 March, there are two naval and one submarine missile carriers armed with a total of up to 20 missiles.

Source: Pivden (South) Operational Command on Facebook

Details: Russia previously deployed two naval missile carriers armed with 16 Kalibr cruise missiles in the Black Sea.


The operational command also reported that Russian tactical aircraft have been particularly active on the eastern front and over the waters of the Azov Sea.

Russian reconnaissance drones might also be deployed in the area.

Pivden (South) Operational Command warned that there is a high threat of a Russian missile strike.



  • Russia fired 81 missiles on Ukraine on the night of 8–9 March, with Ukrainian Air Defence Forces shooting down 34 out of the 48 cruise missiles. Ukraine’s air defence systems also shot down 8 Kh-31P and Kh-59 guided air-to-surface missiles.
  • During this attack, Russia fired naval-based Kh-101/Kh-555, Kh-22 and Kalibr cruise missiles, and Kh-59 air-to-surface missiles launched from Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 bomber jets, Su-35 fighter jets and ships deployed in the Black Sea on the southern front.
  • Ukraine's air defence systems shot down 17 cruise missiles and 1 attack drone in the country's south.

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