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Russian media show children being taught to assemble assault rifles in Crimean school

Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 10:38
Russian media show children being taught to assemble assault rifles in Crimean school

The Russian state-owned news outlet RIA Novosti has posted a video allegedly from a school in temporarily occupied Crimea, in which the invaders teach junior and middle school students how to assemble an assault rifle, wear camouflage uniforms, and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Source: RIA Novosti

Quote: "Basic military training courses were opened in a school in Crimea."

Details: The posted video shows middle school children assembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle competing in speed.


It also shows footage of the children [who look no older than third-fourth grade students – ed.] dressed in camouflage uniforms, first posing with assault rifles, and then demonstrating hand-to-hand combat skills.

