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Polish and Ukrainian ministers to meet in Warsaw to sign agreement on grain export

Saturday, 15 April 2023, 09:22

The Ministers of Agriculture of Ukraine and Poland will meet in Poland on Monday, 17 April to sign an agreement on further exports of Ukrainian grain, much to the considerable dissatisfaction of Polish farmers.

Source: Polish news agency PAP with reference to Robert Telus, the new Minister of Agriculture

Details: Telus said that he had a phone conversation with Solskyi on Friday, 14 April, and he is expecting him in Poland on Monday.


Quote: "We have discussed a very important issue and, hopefully, we will be able to officially announce everything on Monday," said Robert Telus.

The Polish Minister noted that the parties agreed that grain from Ukraine would not be unloaded in Poland. "The decision was made at the meeting at the border in Dorohusk, now we are just finalising it."

Background: On 11 April, Robert Telus, new Minister of Agriculture of Poland, after a meeting with farmers, promised to appeal to the European Commission with a request to introduce customs duties on the import of Ukrainian grain.


Last week, Poland and Ukraine agreed to temporarily suspend imports of Ukrainian wheat, rapeseed, corn and sunflower.

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