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Ukraine to temporarily stop grain export to Poland – Polish minister

Friday, 7 April 2023, 17:57
Ukraine to temporarily stop grain export to Poland – Polish minister
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Robert Telus, Minister of Agriculture of Poland, reported that the Ukrainian side offered to temporarily fully stop the export of grain to Poland, but not transit.

Source: European Pravda with reference to Polish news outlet PolsatNews

Telus went to the border crossing in the village of Dorohusk in Poland in order to discuss the problem of the transportation of the Ukrainian grain to Poland with his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solskyi.


"The Ukrainian side understands our problems and agreed to our propositions to reconsider the issue of importing grain to Poland, mainly wheat, corn, turnip and sunflower," Telus stated.

"The Ukrainian side suggested a drastic limit, and for now a complete stop of the import of grain to Poland. It does not concern the transit which will be closely controlled by both sides so that no grain is left in Poland," the Minster added.

Telus thanked the Ukrainian side for negotiations and propositions.


"On Friday, 7 April, we will most likely sign a document that will contain the points we have agreed on today. It will be implemented by the Polish and Ukrainian sides in order to unload storages," he reported.

 "We all know who the culprit in this situation is, but it is us who must solve this problem," Ukrainian Minister Solskyi stated.

"The Ukrainian side will refrain from the export until the new season," he added.

The Minister confirmed that another meeting, in which the documents will be signed, will be held next week.

"Before the new season, until summer, depending on how the situation in our countries and in the world will unfold, we will meet again to discuss further joint actions," Solskyi explained.

Telus announced that before the agreement between Poland and Ukraine is signed, all food products imported to Poland will be checked.

Polish farmers threatened to block the Jagodzyn-Dorohusk checkpoint for three days if the issue of selling Ukrainian grain in Poland is not regulated.

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