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Ukraine's Security Service shares evidence Poltava District Court judge collaborated with FSB

Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 12:36
Ukraine's Security Service shares evidence Poltava District Court judge collaborated with FSB

Ukraine’s Security Service has shared evidence that Larysa Bohomolova, chair of the Poltava District Court, collaborated with Russia. Bohomolova has been served with a notice of suspicion of high treason.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

Details: The SSU has made public excerpts of Bohomolova’s conversations with a Russian Federal Security Service  (FSB) handler, in which she gives the handler the coordinates of Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, promises to pass on a list of judges who hold a pro-Ukrainian stance, and assures the Russian occupiers of her loyalty.


The SSU officers exposed Bohomolova following a series of complex operations.

The FSB recruited the judge, who then proceeded to leak information about Ukrainian defence forces in Ukraine's south to the Russian occupiers.

She also recommended people for the positions of the overseer of the Russian-occupied city of Berdiansk and the head of a Russian-occupied hospital.

The High Council of Justice decided to remove the defendant from her position in Poltava District Court on the basis of the evidence provided by the SSU. The court arrested her without the right to bail.

Previously: Law enforcement officers have exposed an accomplice of the Russians from Berdiansk who "administered justice" in Poltava Oblast. A notice of suspicion of treason has been served on the judge.

According to Ukrainska Pravda’s source, the judge in question is Larysa Bohomolova, who has chaired the Poltava District Court since July 2022.

According to the investigation, in the spring of 2022, following the Russian military occupation of the city of Berdiansk in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Bohomolova, ignoring her oath to the Ukrainian people, began to actively collaborate with Russian secret services and other Russian representatives.

After some time, Bohomolova left Berdiansk for Ukrainian-controlled territory, heading one of the district courts in Poltava Oblast.

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