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Two Russian helicopters and one jet shot down in Bryansk Oblast

Saturday, 13 May 2023, 14:57
Two Russian helicopters and one jet shot down in Bryansk Oblast

Russian propagandists wrote about downing two more helicopters and a Su-34 fighter bomber in Bryansk Oblast. The crews were killed in the crashes.

Source:  Readovka; TASS; RBC; Ostorozhno, Novosti (Beware, News); BBC Russian

Details: It is reported that a helicopter crashed in Bryansk Oblast, in the city of Klintsy.


Initially, it was reported that the helicopter was shot down; people heard an explosion before it fell.

Later, the Kremlin media wrote that the fall was due to an engine fire.

Russia still needs to recognise the helicopter's affiliation.


Later, the news channel Ostorozno, Novosti (Beware, news) reported that two helicopters crashed: one of them fell in Klintsy itself, the other near the village of Suretsky Muravei.

The propagandists have not yet confirmed the second helicopter.

Update: Propagandists posted images from the helicopter crash site.

They write that, judging by the camouflage and the presence of a rescue parachute, the helicopter "most likely" belongs to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

The Russians have reported about two dead pilots.

At the same time, it became known that the "second helicopter" turned out to be a Su-34 fighter-bomber jet, which was also shot down in Bryansk Oblast.

Later, it became known that two helicopters and a plane were shot down in the Bryansk Oblast on 13 May.

The Russian BBC, citing sources, reported that two helicopters and a plane crashed there.

The outlet emphasises that some Russian propaganda channels expres unsubstantiated assumptions that the helicopters and the plane were shot down by Ukrainian anti-aircraft systems, using the Western weapons that they had received.

Others, without any confirmations, either, write about "sabotage groups of Ukrainians with portable anti-aircraft systems" on the territory of Russia.

There is no exact line of enquiry, but it is certain that the crews of one helicopter and one plane have died.

The governor of Bryansk Oblast, Aleksandr Bogomaz, said that as a result of the fall of the helicopter in the city of Klintsy, five houses were damaged on the ground and a woman was injured.

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