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UK Intelligence points to Russian logistics problems

Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 09:10

While the Russian political leadership demands success on the battlefield, Russian logistics specialists are unable to achieve their goals.

Source: UK Defence Intelligence update on 2 May, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Russian military-related social networks reported on 27 April 2023 that Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister, had been dismissed. Mizintsev was responsible for military logistics and had been in post for only eight months, UK Intelligence noted.


Mizintsev's release was not immediately confirmed, but speculation about his future underscores that logistical issues are at the heart of Russia's military campaign in Ukraine.

The UK intelligence community said Russia does not have enough ammunition to succeed in an offensive.

The lack of ammunition, in turn, leads to internal disagreements, especially between the Russian Defence Ministry and the Wagner PMC group.


Quote: "Russia continues to give the highest priority to mobilising its defence industry, but it is still failing to meet war time demands. While Russia’s political leaders persist in demanding success on the battlefield, Russia’s logistics professionals are stuck in the middle," UK Intelligence said.

Background: A previous intelligence report by the UK MoD stated that the defences that Russia has built underscored its deep concern that Ukraine could make a major breakthrough but also have partly served to promote the narrative of a "threat" allegedly coming from Ukraine and NATO.

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