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US General Milley: Ukraine's Armed Forces are ready for counteroffensive

Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 23:48
US General Milley: Ukraine's Armed Forces are ready for counteroffensive

US General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, believes that Ukrainian troops are already ready for offensive action thanks to the help of Western countries.

Source: Voice of America, citing Milley's interview to Foreign Affairs magazine

Milley Quote: "They [the Armed Forces of Ukraine - ed.] can both conduct the offensive and keep the defence," the general explained. "They have a lot of planning work to do, coordination, etc., if they conduct an offensive operation, but they are ready for the offensive and defence."


Details: According to Milley, Putin sought to quickly capture Kyiv, move from the Russian border to the Dnipro river in four to six weeks, and then deprive Ukraine of access to the Sea of Azov.

However, he stressed, Russia did not achieve its strategic goals by military means, and in late March or early April last year, Putin adjusted his strategic goals, deciding to limit himself to the southern regions of Ukraine, strengthen power in Donbass and secure Crimea.

Meanwhile, Ukraine, according to Milley, conducted two very successful counterattacks, during which Russian troops were forced to retreat, while Ukrainian ones closed ranks and restored the defence.


Despite this, during the winter, "significant territories practically did not change hands, with the possible exception of Bakhmut," the general stated.

"And then the Ukrainians asked us for help in building up their forces, so that they could carry out offensive operations using... mechanised armoured vehicles and infantry. We did it, but it is not yet clear what will come of it," the general emphasised.

Earlier: On 2 May, Oleksii Reznikov, the Defence Minister of Ukraine, notes that the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be of great importance for the continued ease of [gaining] support from partners.

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