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Belarusian security service claims "special services" were preparing terrorist attacks on Belarus on 9 May

Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 19:13
Belarusian security service claims special services were preparing terrorist attacks on Belarus on 9 May

Belarusian State Security Committee has claimed that it had prevented terrorist attacks that unnamed "special sevices" were preparing to carry out on 9 May.

Source: Nasha Niva, a Belarusian news outlet, citing Ivan Tertel, Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus

Quote from Tertel: "We believe these events were associated with 9 May [...] The head of state is aware of all this. We detained a number of people who were preparing to carry out terrorist attacks. And we know that special services are behind this [...] I don’t want to disclose everything today. Tomorrow we will try to reveal everything."



  • On 2 May, Alexander Lukashenko, the self-proclaimed President of Belarus, convened a meeting to discuss the security and protection of the state border. He was informed that an alleged "significant aggravation of the situation" was expected.

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