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After blowing up of Kakhovka dam, water will soon stop flowing to Crimea – UK Intelligence

Sunday, 11 June 2023, 09:51
After blowing up of Kakhovka dam, water will soon stop flowing to Crimea – UK Intelligence
Kherson Oblast, Photo: Most

The destruction of the Kakhovka Dam by the Russian occupiers has seriously affected the main source of fresh water supplies on the occupied Crimean peninsula, the North Crimean Canal.

Source: UK Ministry of Defence, reported by European Pravda

Details: It is noted that the North Crimean Canal draws water from the Kakhovka Reservoir, from a water intake located above the level of the reservoir bottom. "The water level in the reservoir had likely dropped below the level of the inlet by 09 June 2023, and water will soon stop flowing to Crimea," the UK Intelligence states.


This will reduce the availability of fresh water in the south of Kherson Oblast and the north of Crimea.

However, according to UK intelligence, the Russian authorities are likely to meet the population's urgent water needs through reservoirs, water rationing, drilling new wells and bottled water supplies from Russia.

At the same time, UK Intelligence has noted that communities on both the Russian and Ukrainian-controlled sides of the flooded Dnipro River face a sanitation crisis, limited access to safe water and an increased risk of waterborne diseases.


Background: The UK government has announced an additional £16 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine to help overcome the consequences of flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. 

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